Would you like to become a partner and/or supporting member of PAZ?
The operations of PAZ are entirely carried out by volunteers. Their commitment is diverse, varied, temporary, sustainable, substantive, practical... So many people, so many ideas, so many forms of lived solidarity!
You can also support us by...
As a financial partner, you become a bridge builder towards a dignified future!
Now more than ever, PAZ needs financial allies who provide our Indian partner SSDC with the opportunity to initiate and sustain life-saving projects, and to ensure the future of existing projects.
The financial support for our projects also provides real opportunities for the many families of SSDC employees, helping them avoid the looming threat of poverty. Employment is the ultimate safeguard against poverty and exclusion.
You can offer a sustainable financial future to our partners in India in two ways:
You can always make a donation to...
A one-time gift can be made to the following account:
PAZ – Partners Zonder Grenzen vzw IBAN: BE49 0689 0016 4471
A sustainable contribution can be made by filling out the form below.
This is how you become a partner of Partners zonder Grenzen!
On behalf of our partners in India, thank you very much!

We gebruiken je gegevens enkel voor intern gebruik en geven ze nooit aan derden.